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Are you ready to re-ignite your S.A.S.S.I.

Strong, Assertive, Smart, Sexy, Independent

SASSI Coaching For Women and Men of Abuse

Imagine this:

You, a fortress of success in every aspect of life, a self-made entrepreneur with the world at your fingertips. Yet, in the quiet moments between victories, a shadow lingers—a pattern woven deeply into the fabric of your relationships, a thread of toxicity that seems to taint every romantic connection you dare to make.

You’re a warrior, a woman in the prime of life, smart, confident, and independent. You’ve built an empire, small but mighty, with your own two hands. Yet, when it comes to relationships, it feels like standing on a battlefield where the rules don’t make sense.

Why, despite your savvy and wisdom, do toxic partners find their way to you, as if by some cruel magnetism? You’ve asked yourself this, staring at the ceiling in the dark, searching for answers in the shadows.

The answer isn’t simple, nor is it your fault. It’s a tangle of past hurts and buried pains, lessons learned from those who were supposed to teach us love but showed us conditionality and strife instead. Often, it’s the voice of a father or a father figure, echoing through the years, shaping our understanding of love in ways we didn’t even realize.

Your primary goal isn’t just to break free from this cycle; it’s to heal, to find a way to stitch the wounds of the past and to arm yourself with knowledge and self-love so powerful that toxicity cannot breach your walls again. You seek not just companionship but a connection that nourishes, that brings peace and joy rather than chaos and pain.

The complaints you’ve voiced in the silent chambers of your heart are valid. “Why me?” “What am I doing wrong?” These aren’t just questions; they’re cries for understanding, for a path that leads out of the cycle of pain and into the light of healing and genuine, lasting love.

The journey ahead is not for the faint-hearted. It demands confronting the ghosts of relationships past, the shadows of doubt, and the chains of self-blame. But imagine the sunrise after the longest night—the warmth of light that promises a new day, a new beginning.

Here is my promise to you: Together, we’ll navigate this labyrinth. We’ll unearth the mistaken beliefs that have held you captive, like the myth that you must endure pain to prove your worthiness of love, or the false idol of perfection you’ve been chasing, thinking it’s the key to happiness.

The benefits? Imagine standing on the other side of this journey, radiant with the profound emotional healing you’ve achieved. Picture yourself, boundaries strong and heart open, attracting relationships that uplift and support, rather than diminish and drain. This is not just a dream—it’s a destination, and it’s within your reach.

But you might object, thinking, “I’ve tried everything. How is this different?” Understandable. You’ve been down the road of temporary fixes, of surface-level advice that never seemed to address the root of the pain. What’s being offered here is not a band-aid but a deep, transformative process.

Your ultimate fear—that this cycle is unbreakable, that you’re doomed to repeat history—is the very dragon we’ll slay together. The false solutions you’ve been sold in the past, the mistaken beliefs you’ve clung to, they end here.

Embarking on this journey isn’t choosing the easy path, but it’s the most rewarding one. It’s choosing not to settle for expensive alternatives that don’t address the core issues, choosing depth and authenticity over quick fixes.

The time is now. The person is you. Let’s begin this journey to wholeness together, transforming the pain of the past into the power of the present, and stepping into a future where healthy, loving relationships are not just a possibility but your reality.

Specialized Disciplines

Coaching Areas of Specialty

Our coaching approach is rooted in empathy, respect, and a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding the healing journey. We combine evidence-based coaching techniques, trauma-informed practices, and mindfulness to create a holistic and nurturing environment that facilitates healing and growth.

Abuse & Domestic Violence

Our Abuse & Domestic Violence coaching program is designed to empower survivors to heal from past traumas, regain their self-worth, and create a life free from abuse. Through personalized coaching sessions, we provide support, guidance, and practical strategies to help you break the cycle of abuse, rebuild your confidence, and step into a future filled with resilience and empowerment.

Drug & Alcohol Addictions

Our Drug & Alcohol Addictions coaching program is focused on supporting individuals in their journey towards recovery and sobriety. We understand the challenges and complexities of addiction and offer a compassionate, non-judgmental approach to help you overcome obstacles, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and achieve long-term wellness. Our goal is to assist you in reclaiming control of your life and embracing a positive, substance-free lifestyle.

Toxic and/or Narcissistic Relationships

In our Toxic / Narcissistic Relationships coaching program, we provide guidance and resources for individuals navigating challenging relationships characterized by toxicity and narcissism. Through personalized coaching sessions, we help you recognize harmful patterns, set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and cultivate healthier relationships. Our aim is to support you in breaking free from toxic dynamics and fostering meaningful connections based on respect, trust, and mutual support.

Our Approach

Key Benefits


Personalized Healing Journey

Our coaching programs are designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by survivors of abuse. We work together to create a customized roadmap for healing, focusing on emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being.


Empowerment & Self Discovery

Through compassionate guidance and transformative conversations, we help you rediscover your authentic self, nurturing a deep connection with your inner strengths and passions.


Building Resilience

Learn powerful tools and techniques to cope with triggers, manage stress, and develop emotional resilience, enabling you to embrace life’s challenges with a renewed sense of courage.


Healthy Boundaries & Relationships

Gain valuable insights into setting healthy boundaries, identifying red flags, and cultivating supportive relationships that contribute positively to your well-being.


Emotional Freedom

Release past trauma and limiting beliefs, allowing you to experience emotional freedom, self-acceptance, and a greater sense of peace.

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Struggling to find the clarity you need? Let’s connect.